Where We Work
F2F Ecuador
NCBA CLUSA Farmer-to-Farmer provides technical assistance around the cacao and coffee value chains around the coastal and Amazonian regions of Ecuador. Expert volunteers that travel to Ecuador focus on promoting sustainable agricultural practices, strengthening associations, producer organizations, and rural businesses. By improving the sustainability of agricultural practices in the cacao and coffee system, the program producers can increase the profitability, production, and export potential of coffee and cacao. Cacao farms give way to other opportunities that can increase economic revenue for smallholders in country. F2F through NCBA-CLUSA has reached 9 coffee cooperatives, farmer association and groups and 9 cacao cooperatives, farmer associations and groups. Through which it has been able to reach countless coffee and cacao farmer families.
F2F Dominican Republic
Rural Adaptation and Resilience Country Project: The objective of the Rural Adaptation and Resilience project is to increase the resilience of vulnerable populations to the unpredictable impacts of changing climate and weather patterns. This project involves a cross-cutting approach, focused primarily in the Yaque del Norte watershed, to increase awareness, build capacity, and promote mitigation and adaptation strategies. Volunteers engage smallholder farmers and rural communities in discussions regarding the changing climate and weather patterns and train them in adaptation strategies including conservation agriculture, soil and water conservation, cover crops, companion crops, contour planting, shelterbelts, and integrated pest management, among other topics.
Youth in Agriculture Development Project: The objective of the Youth in Agricultural Development project strategy is to incentivize and strengthen youth participation in the Dominican agriculture industry. Because this population will soon be supporting the economic and social development of the nation, the project strategy seeks to help Dominican youth achieve success as agricultural professionals. Volunteers train hosts and partner organizations in methodologies that utilize experiential learning to cover a wide array of agriculture and agribusiness topics including management, governance and transparency, leadership, record keeping, marketing, feasibility studies, and business plan development. Volunteers also build youth knowledge on financial services and ICT platforms to improve productivity, business and financial management, and marketing.
F2F Georgia
F2F Guatemala
Rural Enterprise Development Project: The objective of the Rural Enterprise Development project strategy is to increase incomes and sustainability of entrepreneurs and agricultural enterprises across value chains in Guatemala. This includes improving farming products and services for small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthening agribusinesses and enterprises for economic growth, expanding market linkages and access to market information for small-scale rural producers, and increasing access to credit. Volunteer assignments include processing, packaging, food safety, marketing, business development, recordkeeping, and targeting current limitations - particularly affecting women and rural producers - to accessing credit through training in financial literacy, ICT and mobile money platforms, as well as technological innovations to obtain agricultural information.
High-Value Horticulture Project: The objective of the High-Value Horticulture project strategy is to strengthen smallholder farmer productivity, competitiveness, postharvest handling, and resilience in high-value, non-traditional horticultural crops – including, but not limited to, coffee, tree fruits, mushrooms, potatoes, onions, snow peas, and squash. Volunteers train farmers, entrepreneurs, and micro/small/medium enterprises on topics such as postharvest handling and processing, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), quality standards and control, improved processing technologies and practices, packaging, and labeling.
F2F El Salvador
F2F Kyrgyz Republic
F2F Guyana
Horticulture Production and Marketing Project: The objective of the Horticulture Production and Marketing project strategy is to increase the productivity and profitability of select horticulture sub-sectors, primarily focusing on shade house vegetable production and marketing. Additionally, the project seeks to increase the organizational and management capacity of participating producers and producer groups by training smallholder farmers in a wide array of areas including climate-smart agriculture practices, shade house production, hydroponics, water management, plant health, farm management, postharvest handling, and labeling and packaging.
Livestock Production and Marketing Project: The objective of the Livestock Production and Marketing project strategy is to develop systems that increase the traceability and certification of livestock entities/farms and livestock products. The project also seeks to build the capacity of Guyana’s livestock producers and producer groups in meat processing and safety and quality standards to improve their competitiveness in domestic and international markets. Volunteers provide training in traceability systems, good agricultural practices (GAP), reproductive health management, veterinary medicine, meat quality and safety, marketing, processing, and animal nutrition.
F2F Honduras
NCBA-CLUSA Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program in Honduras provides technical assistance in the coffee value chain through assignments focused on technical and organizational capacity building. This has allowed 10 coffee cooperatives to improve their productivity, gain access to new markets and implement environmentally conscious and sustainable practices in their farming activities. F2F Honduras aims to continue building the capacities of producers, cooperatives, and other value chain actors to improve sustainable coffee supply and value chains. Through F2F trainings in Honduras, NCBA CLUSA has reached over 200 coffee farmers of which 42% are women and 18% are young farmers. F2F operations primarily focused on the west of the country where most of the Coffee is grown. With the help of F2F’s expert volunteers, the variety of SMART recommendations made have allowed for continued and long-term change in these regions.
F2F Peru
The Farmer-to-Farmer cacao and coffee systems assignments in Peru aim to build the capacity of producers, cooperatives and other value chain actors and enterprises. This has been accomplished in the regions of San Martin and Huanuco by working with 20 producer organizations and 10 active partnerships including Technoserve, TRIAS, Progreso, Universidad Nacional de San Martin, and others. With the completion of 34 volunteer assignments, US volunteers have provided training on material ranging from organic certification and plague management, to marketing, sales, and exports. Additionally, F2F Peru has recorded the successful application of more than 50 volunteer SMART recommendations and promoted sustainability by involving local organizations and local universities in research and knowledge exchange.
F2F Jamaica
Rural Adaptation and Resilience Project: The objective of the Rural Adaptation and Resilience project strategy is to increase the resilience of vulnerable populations to the impacts of changing climate and weather patterns. The project involves a crosscutting approach, focused primarily on rural agricultural communities, to increase awareness, build capacity, and promote mitigation and adaptation strategies that confront the detrimental effects that environmental variability has on Jamaica’s agriculture sector. Volunteers are training smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs in a wide array of areas including plant health, professionalizing farm management, organizational development, market linkages, postharvest handling, and labeling and packaging.
Livestock and Aquaculture Project: The objective of the Livestock and Aquaculture project strategy is to foster the development of the Jamaican cattle and small ruminant industries with an emphasis on herd expansion, increased production and productivity, and the processing and marketing of beef and dairy products. The objective also includes the expansion of freshwater and ocean aquaculture. Volunteers help farmers increase their share in domestic markets while also aiding in the entrepreneurship of new livestock and aquaculture producers to improve their resiliency via conservation and protection of natural resources.
F2F Ethiopia
Nutrition: F2F Ethiopia is working on nutrition practices and addressing technical and organizational challenges in food production and fortification, agro-processing, and the marketing of local agribusinesses, including women-led businesses. The project addresses the root causes of malnutrition and diseases by promoting nutrition sensitive agriculture, nutrition education, and food recipe development. At the farm level, F2F Ethiopia promotes best practices and technologies in the production of nutrient-dense crops and livestock, and the effective utilization of products to address the underlying causes of malnutrition.
Agribusiness Development: F2F Ethiopia's work in agribusiness development supports USAID’s market and food systems approach, focusing on production, marketing, processing and consumption of strategic crops and livestock. The project includes strategic commodities including wheat, milk, maize, beans, coffee, beef, and poultry. Interventions will focus on production systems, harvesting and post-harvest management, and marketing, and agro-processing of selected commodities.
F2F Uganda
Agribusiness Development: F2F Uganda is working on strengthening agricultural production and productivity, postharvest handling and value addition, and marketing and market linkages. Through a food systems approach, F2F Uganda supports income-generating value chains that address household food and nutrition insecurity. The project supports agribusiness activities related to maize, beans, sunflower, soybean, sesame, vanilla, spices, horticulture, dairy, aquaculture, and poultry, among others, with a major focus on Feed the Future zones of Influence.
Nutrition: F2F Uganda is working on assisting processors in improving the nutritional content of processed foods through recipe formulation and biofortification. The project plans to drive the production and consumption of nutritious foods simultaneously. It promotes better health and nutrition outcomes by supporting increased production and enhanced consumption of diverse and nutritious diets at the household level through nutrition education aimed at addressing the increasing double burden of malnutrition (undernourishment, especially among children under the age of five) and the prevalence of non-communicable diseases due to overnutrition and poor health behaviors.
F2F Nepal
Agribusiness Development: F2F Nepal is improving on-farm productivity and the strengthening agribusinesses, with a primary focus on agro-enterprises involved in pre-and post-production activities. The project focuses on enhancing production efficiency and productivity, improving postharvest handling and value addition, and establishing connections between agribusinesses and both domestic and international markets.
Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA): F2F Nepal works on climate smart agriculture focusing on prioritizing the adoption of practices and technologies that enhance the efficiency of both crop and animal production to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, foster economic growth, and develops a resilient agricultural sector.
F2F Timor-Leste
Agribusiness Development: F2F Timor-Leste works on inclusive and sustainable market-driven productivity, food security and household incomes among targeted smallholder farmers, traders and processors and support agribusinesses engaged in industrial crop value chains that represent promising export opportunities. These include candlenut, virgin coconut oil, vanilla, coffee, and cacao.
Nutrition: F2F Timor-Leste expands food security by improving climate-resilient and nutrition-sensitive farming practices and the production of specific value chains, including livestock, fish, and nutritious crops (biofortified maize, sweet corn, bock choy, broccoli, and orange-flesh sweet potato).
F2F Madagascar
F2F Malawi
F2F Zambia
F2F Zimbabwe
F2F Kenya
Development, application, and expansion of digital financial services for women and youth in agriculture
1. Enhancing bankability by providing pre-loan business and financial management support and improving productivity and market access.
2. Catalyzing product innovation by building the capacity of financial institutions to develop products, apply technology, and expand market outreach for agricultural lending.
3. Providing post-loan support by coaching borrowers to manage cash, repay loans, increase savings, and improve production and sales.
F2F Tanzania
Capacity building, training, access to technology, and innovative financial products to support women and youth in agriculture.
1. Enhancing bankability by providing pre-loan business and financial management support and improving productivity and market access.
2. Catalyzing product innovation by building the capacity of financial institutions to develop products, apply technology, and expand market outreach for agricultural lending.
3. Providing post-loan support by coaching borrowers to manage cash, repay loans, increase savings, and improve production and sales.
F2F Liberia
F2F Egypt
Egypt, Bangladesh, and Lebanon face considerable food safety and quality challenges. To increase productivity and profitability in the agriculture sectors, Land O’Lakes International Development is implementing F2F FSQ to address the important issues of food safety and quality with highly qualified volunteers. Volunteers assist and train others on good agricultural, veterinary and manufacturing practices in order to improve the local food safety protocols and quality assurance systems from “field-to-fork.” The program will aim to work with agro-processors, associations, producers, exporters and other partners and assist them in achieving greater market access. Volunteers and the country staff work in each country to increase the awareness of the Farmer-to-Farmer program to build deeper connections to the communities we are supporting. We also support, coach and mentor our returned volunteers on how they can best share their experiences with personal and professional networks.
To ensure that safer foods reach markets in Egypt, Bangladesh, and Lebanon, Land O’Lakes International Development is leading a five-year, $6.25 million Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program. Land O’Lakes will complete 213 assignments, which will be specifically designed to enhance food safety and quality across the three core countries. Funded by USAID, F2F initiatives generate rapid, sustained and broad-based economic growth in the agricultural sector. These programs also promote international goodwill, an understanding of U.S. foreign assistance programs, and private involvement in development activities.
Since 1987, we have sent more than 1,400 U.S. highly qualified volunteers — including 160 of our affiliate Land O’Lakes, Inc. staff and cooperative members — on assignments in 27 countries. As a quality-driven food company, Land O’Lakes, Inc. is uniquely positioned to drive improvements in food safety and quality by offering a broad range of agricultural technical expertise on a voluntary basis, including improved agri-business management, quality assurance, improved policy and regulatory regimes, and production and post-harvest activities.
F2F Lebanon
Lebanon, Egypt, and Bangladesh face considerable food safety and quality challenges. To increase productivity and profitability in the agriculture sectors, Land O’Lakes International Development is implementing F2F FSQ to address the important issues of food safety and quality with highly qualified volunteers. Volunteers assist and train others on good agricultural, veterinary and manufacturing practices in order to improve the local food safety protocols and quality assurance systems from “field-to-fork.” The program will aim to work with agro-processors, associations, producers, exporters and other partners and assist them in achieving greater market access. Volunteers and the country staff work in each country to increase the awareness of the Farmer-to-Farmer program to build deeper connections to the communities we are supporting. We also support, coach and mentor our returned volunteers on how they can best share their experiences with personal and professional networks.
To ensure that safer foods reach markets in Lebanon, Egypt, and Bangladesh, Land O’Lakes International Development is leading a five-year, $6.25 million Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program. Land O’Lakes will complete 213 assignments, which will be specifically designed to enhance food safety and quality across the three core countries. Funded by USAID, F2F initiatives generate rapid, sustained and broad-based economic growth in the agricultural sector. These programs also promote international goodwill, an understanding of U.S. foreign assistance programs, and private involvement in development activities.
Since 1987, we have sent more than 1,400 U.S. highly qualified volunteers — including 160 of our affiliate Land O’Lakes, Inc. staff and cooperative members — on assignments in 27 countries. As a quality-driven food company, Land O’Lakes, Inc. is uniquely positioned to drive improvements in food safety and quality by offering a broad range of agricultural technical expertise on a voluntary basis, including improved agri-business management, quality assurance, improved policy and regulatory regimes, and production and post-harvest activities.
F2F Rwanda
F2F Guinea
Climate Smart Agriculture: The West Africa F2F program aims to enhance the agricultural sectors of Guinea, Senegal, and Sierra Leone by utilizing climate-smart agriculture innovations, local technologies, and targeted interventions for marginalized groups to improve access to technology, food security and nutrition, and skills development in order to boost agricultural productivity and support resilient livelihoods.
F2F Senegal
Climate Smart Agriculture: The West Africa F2F program aims to enhance the agricultural sectors of Guinea, Senegal, and Sierra Leone by utilizing climate-smart agriculture innovations, local technologies, and targeted interventions for marginalized groups to improve access to technology, food security and nutrition, and skills development in order to boost agricultural productivity and support resilient livelihoods.
F2F Cambodia
The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (UTIA) leads the Agricultural Leaders of Tomorrow (ALOFT) regional Farmer-to-Farmer Program for Southeast Asia. ALOFT is implemented in partnership with a regional consortium of universities in Cambodia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. ALOFT supports youth-led and youth-serving institutions to build more resilient and inclusive food systems through demand-driven technical exchanges with U.S. volunteers. The program seeks to integrate youth into agricultural value chains through four areas of voluntary technical assistance:
- Climate smart agriculture
- Agricultural entrepreneurship and agribusinesses
- Agricultural education
- Extension and advisory services
F2F Philippines
The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (UTIA) leads the Agricultural Leaders of Tomorrow (ALOFT) regional Farmer-to-Farmer Program for Southeast Asia. ALOFT is implemented in partnership with a regional consortium of universities in Cambodia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. ALOFT supports youth-led and youth-serving institutions to build more resilient and inclusive food systems through demand-driven technical exchanges with U.S. volunteers. The program seeks to integrate youth into agricultural value chains through four areas of voluntary technical assistance:
- Climate smart agriculture
- Agricultural entrepreneurship and agribusinesses
- Agricultural education
- Extension and advisory services
F2F Sierra Leone
Climate Smart Agriculture: The West Africa F2F program aims to enhance the agricultural sectors of Guinea, Senegal, and Sierra Leone by utilizing climate-smart agriculture innovations, local technologies, and targeted interventions for marginalized groups to improve access to technology, food security and nutrition, and skills development in order to boost agricultural productivity and support resilient livelihoods