
CLOSED: RFA for Farmer-to-Farmer PDP Ghana

The VEGA (Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance) Farmer-to-Farmer Special Program Support Project (SPSP) recently accepted applications for a Program Development Project (PDP) to implement a Ghana Sanitary and Phytosanitary Systems Strengthening Project (SPSSP). This Project will be funded by the USAID Mission to Ghana Trade Africa Expansion (TAE) Initiative Program. Applicants were invited to propose projects that incorporate or adapt the activities with the use of volunteer technical assistance as described in the Program Description found in Section I.6 of this RFA. The application process is now closed. The activity may be funded at up to $2,857,140, subject to availability of funding from USAID and to acceptable performance and progress. The activity shall be focused, with rapid start-up and intensive implementation. The project shall be completed by September 15, 2018.

Click here to read the Q&A. 

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