Several days after visiting the apiary he had the opportunity to see an ancient Egyptian depiction of beekeeping these bees at the Tomb of Pabasa. “You may have to be a bee-geek to appreciate my feelings upon seeing this classic scene just days after seeing it in action in Fayoum [Egypt]…"
- Stephen
Profession: Master Beekeeper
Home State: Alaska, U.S.
Area of Expertise: Beekeeping
Language Spoken: English
Name of project: Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Program Country: Egypt
Core Implementer: Land O'Lakes International Development
Objective: To increase technical knowledge on low hive productivity and poor honey quality.
Volunteer Assignment and Impact: While in Egypt, Stephen offered guidance to several apiaries on the importance of optimum spacing of bee colonies for improved pollination and increased honey yields. Stephen discovered that one of the apiaries he visited during his assignment works with an indigenous Egyptian bee, Apis mellifera lamarckii. This type of bee is rarely used today and Stephen referred to them as, “a national treasure.” Several days after visiting the apiary, he had the opportunity to see an ancient Egyptian depiction of beekeeping of these rare bees at the Tomb of Pabasa. “You may have to be a bee-geek to appreciate my feelings upon seeing this classic scene just days after seeing it in action in Fayoum…” he said.
Stephen also spoke at the Seventh Annual Arab Beekeepers Union Conference in Egypt. His presentation on good beekeeping practices generated much attention from the conference’s 300 attendees from over 12 countries. Finally, he completed a follow-up assignment where he offered seminars on best practices in bee colony management, nutrition, reproduction and harvesting at apiary schools in Upper Egypt. Stephen is confident that Egyptian beekeepers’ honey quality and yields will improve as the apiaries apply the advice he offered.